Recent pictures
Playing a little photo catch up. I'm not doing a great job at taking a picture every day but I'm not sweating it. I'll get what I get and not stress if I miss days. Hey - some is better than none!
#118 - Helping Mommy make toast to go with our eggs. We really like helping and Mommy is trying to be VERY patient and let us help as much as we can.
#121 - Gettin' creative with playdough.
I am slowly letting go of my issues with the colors mixing - there is just no way to prevent it. Sigh.
#122 - Our deck garden. One tomato, two green peppers and two strawberry plants.
We'll see.
#123 - My Commonplace Book. Charlotte Mason recommends that older students keep a Commonplace Book - a place to neatly copy favorite poems, passages, quotes, anything that is meaningful to the student. I have notebooks with scattered favorites written down but decided to buy a pretty red leather notebook and start from scratch.
Can't you just smell it?
#125 - New game - "Egg Hatching".
One child gets on the floor or couch while the other child covers them with pillows. The covered child then loudly (they are boys after all) "hatches" and the "mommy bird" exclaims with delight.
Too cute.
#126 - Strawberry pickin' at a local farm with good friends. Good fresh strawberries coming out of our ears = homemade pound cake with strawberries and whip cream, whole wheat strawberry muffins and tomorrow - strawberry pie with painted chocolate crust.
#127 - Haircuts.
Daddy won't like them.